TBQ Classic Sample #5

1) In the spring of 1846, Moses Yale Beach (1800-68), publisher of The New York Sun, established a pony express to deliver news of the Mexican War. His pony express carried dispatches ahead of the Great Southern Mail from Mobile to Montgomery, Alabama, where the mail coaches carried them 700 miles to the nearest telegraph point near Richmond, Virginia. In offering an equal interest in the express venture to the major New York City daily papers (four of whom accepted), Beach effectively organized this institution. Name it.

Ans: The Associated Press

2) The idea to form one company out of a union of various construction and engineering firms came from Harry Morrison of the Morrison-Knudsen construction firm of Boise, Idaho. Morrison had forged a profitable working relationship with Utah Construction and decided they, too, should be in on the Black Canyon — as it was called at the time — project. Added to the mix was Charlie Shea, a seat-of-the-pants builder of tunnels and sewers.
Half a million was just the amount Shea pledged toward the performance bond. Along with his colorful and boisterous personality, Shea possessed the necessary skills and connections to further the project. He enlisted the interest of the Pacific Bridge Company and Felix Kahn of the San Francisco firm, MacDonald and Kahn. Meanwhile, Harry Kaiser, an ambitious young road builder from Oakland, California, and his mentor Warren A. Bechtel, a powerful old-line San Francisco contractor had become interested in the project. Kaiser’s experience in the working world extended back to when he dropped out of school at age 11. The elder Bechtel had developed an admiration for Kaiser’s work ethic and drive. It was Bechtel who suggested that he and Kaiser join forces with the alliance being formed by Harry Morrison. Felix Kahn coined the name for this alliance.

It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression, and was dedicated on September 30, 1935.
Name the structure and the alliance.

Ans: Hoovers Dam | Six Companies

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