Brand Equity Quiz- Chennai-2011- Prelims Questions

Brand Equity Quiz Prelims- Chennai-2011

Winners: Crisil

Teams on stage: CTS/ Crisil/ Global Scholars/ Infy/ Sanmar/ TCS

1) Blinding Edge – owned by whom |  M N  Shyamalan

2) What event was created in 1952 to promote catalina swimsuit brand? Miss Universe

3) Maximum amount for which single telegraphic money order may be issued-

1000/3000/5000/10000 | 5000

4) 2010 most sold car- 3 options given | Alto

5) What is sold as Thosai in Singapore? Dosai

6) What was used as motif in South Indian coins in early days? Tiger/ Peacock/ Lion | Tiger

7) St andrews/ Kelvin/Onasis/Victoria are diff ways to tie a Tie/Shoelace/ G string | Tie

8) Ponting was a given a nickname because he used to bet big on horses- What? Punter

9) If you recive a oyseter card for travel which city would you be in paris / London / some

other city | London
10) Queen of this country commissioned MF hussain to do a canvas for 99 paintings on Islamic Art. | Qatar

11) $9B is spent to eradicate this and it consumes $1B lives Polio/Malaria/ Dengue | Polio

12) Former President of INC joined his uncle Karupaiah clothig biz as salesboy | Kamaraj

13) Aiswarya got her biggest paycheck for which movie till date | Robot

14) India’s___ recycling sector accounts for 9000 cr and employs 3m people | Cowdung/Plastic/Glass


15) In 2002, this company acquired for $8000 and said it was desirable for them | Monster

16) Tata’s i-Shakti salt’s i stands for – Iodine

17)Who gets higher salary LS MP or RS MP or both? Both equal

18) Lenendary figure who was assisted by fellow outlaws who called themselves merry men –Robin Hood

19) BCCI Logo

20) Mechanic movie poster

21) Jules Verne hotel where would you find it? Eiffel Tower

22) Bryan Adams song

23) Bill Gates audio

24) Perry Masons actual profession – the fictional character created by Erle Stan Garden –Lawyer

25) Whose last book was new age of Innovation which he wrote with M S Krishnan? C K Prahlad

26) In Hindu mtyhology who is the maker of all ornaments –Viswakarma

27) With a view to restructure the housing needs of the rural poor they launched__________Awas Yojana in 1985

Indira Gandhi

28) Mozilla Firefox is the name of which animal red panda/ Wolf/ Armadillo/-  Red Panda

29)  The US received most no of spams in 2010. Which country ranked second? India

30)  So far, the effort to eradicate which disease has cost $9 billon and consumes $1 billion world wide every year? Ops: Polio, Malaria, Influenza | Polio

Order of questions may be jumbled. 
Courtesy: Sethu Madhavan & Quiz Master Baba

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