National Finals 2011 Tata Crucible- Semi Finals 1- Corporate Quiz


National Finals 2011 Tata Crucible- Semi Finals 1- Corporate Quiz

Courtesy: Samrat Mukherjee

1)      Designer of modern cubicles- Herman Miller

2)      Trend broken by Quest communications…listing in NYSE in 2000…Why were co’s shying away from ticker symbol Q? Q list : bankrupt co’s

3)      Origin of term..English bobbies..Performing certain act/crime…1st law 1863 in US-False claims act   : Whistle blowing

4)      Moody’s rating system (John published his manual etc)

5)      Quesn on designer of Volvo logo

6)      Health officials in Rajasthan gift to citizens for sterilisation..Tata Nano

7)      ½ a million followers , unit of following in Twitter , best described as “Geeky Hollywood actor”, 1st used by John Kovalik in 2009 : Will Veeton

8)      In the late 1800s , the most heavily traded stocks generally had a single letter ..Why?

To ensure transmission of message through tickers was fast enough

9)      Quesn on Moonstone (Afro Seline, Afrodyte from God of Love etc)

10)   Cartoon saying : He said that …..Buffet tax ..Obama says I did’nt , Buffet said

11)   Dear fellow citizens , I love my country etc: Howard Schultz

12)   Chicken tax : Full Bright

13)   Co logo Lindstrom :Cares for your image …Speciality ? Provides uniform management for military sector etc (Branded uniforms)

14)   Pic of person who conceptualised PGA…Dean Bemon (spelling may be wrong)

15)   Connect : Teesta Low Dam,West Bengal Assembley House,Supreme Court ,logo:Simplex

16)   Pic of NC Das..Rassogolla

17)   Pic of a Virgin flight..speciality ….1st to allow tweeting

18)   Pic of a road which says “Dreaming tree and Barn”…Walt Disney

19)   Quesn on Daimler (Mauser Rifles)

20)   Quesn on Scripps (spelling contest…tag line and logo)

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