Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 – Pune Finals (Tata Track) via Samrat Mukherjee
For Pune prelims and external track finals, click here
For our full Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz coverage, click here
1) Currency of Ghana : CEDI
2) Hear Music :Starbucks
3) Mexico’s only exchange:BOLSA
4) Writing pioneer ,subsidiary of New Well rubber :Waterman
5) Originally formed Huff Deland Dusters :DELTA
6) Walmart ticker in Mexico :WALMEX
1) Logo of photosynth from Microsoft
2) Cover page of Yog sandesh magazine :Baba ramdev
3) Paul the octopus app pic
4) Lava handset significance :Indian rupee symbol
5) PETA campaign with pic of Selvio Burloscini which says “Too much sex can be a bad thing”.
6) Nintendo’s print ad with cards
1) Connect –Kawasaki,KTM,Mahindra,Bajaj
2) Connect with all GSK products
3) Connect with all IBM products
4) Connect with all Marico products
4th round was just too easy…choose the wrong statement from 3 statements given
1) Imagining India by Nandan Nilekani
2) Quesn on LEEDS
3) Airbags –GM concept
4) 1st male model for Christian Dior :Zinadine Zidane
5) Rodeo scooter brand :Mahindra