Tata Crucible Corporate 2012 Indore Finals

Tata Crucible Corporate 2012 Indore Finals

Round 1. Crossword

1. This brand has come up with an offering Rascal Red—DULUX

2. Mrs. Nene is their chief smile officer—ORAL-b

3. Rakesh gangwal and Rakesh Bhatia own ir—Indigo

4. Some trivia on Pareto principle—answer Pareto

5. Alan Stillman started this to meet women—TGIF

6. Started by Mukesh Bansal- Myntra.com

7. The world’s financial capital—Forbes

Round 2-anticlock wise

1. Dr. Parvinder singh of Ranbaxy pic

2. What is Luoci or Naked resignation in China?—To let everybody in your office know that you are resigning whether by mail or social media. Chinese employers try to hide resignations as they think other people will also resign

3. Started by Bombay chemicals of Thane, this brand was the market leader for a long time and was generic to the category. It soon lost ground to new players and is now a relic of past.—Tortoise Mosquito coil or Kacchua chaap agarbatti

4. Sukam chairman—Kumar Sachdeva

5. Photo of an old couple. What did the man create for making his wife beautiful—Graham wulffe creator of Olay

Tata round

1. Who gave the term Frugal engineering and in what context?—Carlos Ghosn abt Nano being so cheap

2. This tata co. Has designed a book called Brainteaser for children with different abilities.. Tata interactive systems

3. 8’0 clock coffee original name

4. Hare k fiend safety ke liye jaruri hota hai campaign by Tata Power


1. Burning man logo+picnic+some tick mark logo—Google

2. Singtel+Buddha international circuit+cpme pic—Airtel

3. Sachin’s adidad ad+ Maria sharapova+EOS—Cannon

4. Goldstar logo+enith computers+ conergy+mobile world cup—-LG

Last round 4 qstns on Buzzer

1. What are shinkashin trains?—Bullet trains

2. Which newspaper is owned by Dilligent media corp.?—DNA

3. First male model of Christian dior—Zinedine Zidane

4. Who owns Big daddy productions?—Mahesh Bhupathi

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