Tata Crucible 2012 Corporate Mumbai Round- Finals
Tata Track
Round # 1
1) In 2011 this co won the “L –Prize” which is the Noble prize equivalent in the field of energy conversation etc awarded by the US Dept of Energy …PHILIPS
2) UNESCO in Pakistan + NOKIA =E-talim (similar to what Idea cellular did in India)
3) In 1997, strategic merger between Mc Donald Douglas +Boeing
4) In the news this year, which giant tried to trade mark the 4 letter word ‘SOCL’-Microsoft
5) Bhilwara’s product-Mayur
6) Fusion hydra gel-GILLETTE
7) Machine technology by DOLCE GUSTO –Nescafe
Round # 2 (visuals)
1) What is Claytronics ?
2) Pic of Elihayu M Goldrath
3) KOLEOS patented by- Renault
4) Shiv Khera’a trademark :SK
5) Tracks & Records :Usain Bolt
6) Unlimited –the view is worth fighting for :Maharashtra tourism
Round # 3
1) Peruvian co AJILE –Big Cola
2) Long Island Boat Co- Billy Joel
3) I-Gate +Rio Tinto =Mine of the future program (hint was :Mumbai based IT co was recently acquired by this co)
4) Reliance foundation –Reliance drishti (magazine for the blind)
Round # 4 (connect question types round)
1) HUL products
2) VB, Carlton dry, Bulmers – Fosters
3) TVS group
4) Living media
Round #5
1) FICCI (GD Birla, Purshottam Thakur ..suggested by MK Gandhi)
2) Accenture (Arthur Andersen etc)
3) Pranab Mukherjee (Desher Dak was the 1st clue)
Tie breaker question for 2nd spot: Which co on entering India has positioned itself as the “Third place”?
Starbucks coffee
External track
Round # 1
1) Wallonia city council ad in the 1980s had him as a spokesperson telling investors that this was 1 place in Europe which reminded him of America : Neil Armstrong
2) Pic of Sayaji Rao Gaikwad –Bank of Baroda
3) “Cricket brought us to India much before business did”,this hit the headlines soon after India’s WC 2011 win-AUDI
4) Logo of Shubh Griha
5) Logo of GroupO Cars..who owns this co – Carlos Slim Helu
6) Martha Washington’s unique distinction as 1st lady of USA –only woman to have featured in the American currency note
7) Connect : Bill & Melinda gates foundation, Coca Cola ad in the background, Wharton Business School, The giving pledge : Warren Buffet
8) Pearson education sued this co in 2006 which resulted in the Indian co to change its name .What? Orient Longman became Orient Black swan
9) Who is working to retrieve Apollo 11 moon mission engines that plunged into the ocean decades ago? Jeff Bezos
10) Brian Luff –novel-Sex on legs –science fiction thriller –Audible Corporation:World’s 1st Audio book
11) AIA logo
12) US based brand “destination maternity” in India:Mom & Me by Mahindra & Mahindra
13) OV Bundellu –Apr’1993 , IDBI, Canara Bank and SBI are stake holders :CARE ratings
Round # 2
1) CASA D’cor (Poltrona Faus)
2) Connect :UNISON, London Olympic 2012, Thomson Houston :GE
3) Quesn on T20 WC logo , the modern spin designed by Witekite.
4) TATA Ises..what does ISES stand for?
5)Connect : AT&T, Axiata, pic of BK Modi, Song featuring Big B: Idea cellular
6) Pic of Lucy Koh (judge for Samsung –Apple fight)
7)Lodestone Management co logo ,acquired by :Infosys
8) Connect question on ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation)
Round # 3
1) started in 1994, Sakinaka Mumbai ,owned by Speciality Restaurants group :Mainlaind China
2) Quesn on DIABLO
3) Quesn on LOTTO (owners :Treviso football club)