Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Mumbai 2010-Finals- Tata Track

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Mumbai 2010-Finals-Tata Track

Courtesy: Team Bizdom


Tata Track

Tata Power – Sidharth M, Pankaj k (30)

Tata Capital – Govind Grewal, Preeti Shankar (40)

Tata Teleservices – Vishwanathan, Sridhar (10)

TCS – Suresh Kumar, Aniruddh Dutta (65)

Tata Communication – Atulya, Jamshed (0)

TCS – Pravin Varma, Ankit (10)

  1. Safe hair dye
  2. As a writing instrument brand, it got delayed approval because its name is derived from a profession which doesn’t speak about its actual function at all.
  3. What’s M in MSD, a company of German Origin?
  4. Blue agave based
  5. Who is the youngest division chief in the World Bank’s history?
  6. 1385, flatplate trademark
  7. David Novak Chairman

1) Loreal
2) Pilot pens
3) Merck
4) Tequila
5) Montek Singh
6) Xerox
7) Pizza Hut

Audience Q

Cerf’s up- Whose car nameplate

Ans: Vinton cerf

1. Whose hat is this?

2. A picture of Books and Beyond
3. Identify the logo. 

4. With whom you can associate “Independent Evaluation Group”?

5. Identify the advertiser.

6. Who is advertising?

1) Pondicherry Police
2) RPG
4) WOrld Bank
5) Tata Jagriti yatra
6) Accenture

Tata World

  1. Founded in 1924, passionate in retail, has some connection with Croma.
  2. K M Garda, Chairperson, IT solution company
  3. Mitsubishi security…
  4. Optical frame for women.


1) Woolworth
2) Nelito
3) Tata Capital
4) Enigma

Round 4:

1) GS, Zenith…

2) Legend, ideapact

3) ‘World’s biggest family’, Amby valley logo

4) Navteq…

2) Lenovo
3) Sahara
4) Nokia Siemens


  1. Which famous entrepreneur said; “I endorse my favorite bag……..”.
  2. Malcom Glaze
  3. Model for Burberry
  4. This word’s English mean is ‘immediate/instinct’; this particular service generates enormous revenue for a government organization.


1) Branson- Samsonite
2) Man U
3) Ema Watson
4) Tatkal

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