Brand Equity Quiz 2011 Pune Prelims

Ramanand has posted Brand Equity Quiz 2011 Pune Prelims questions and answers.  Some of them below. For the rest and answers, please visit his blog post.

1. who owns a farmhouse in khadakwasla, sai service petrol pump
2. deutsche welle gives the BOBs awards. Best of?
3. longest reigning monarch, also has a large fortune
4. batata wada, what does batata mean in eng
5. which former employee of ad dept of GE worked with Al Ries for over 26 years
6. victorian author worked at warren blacking factory for 6 shillings a week –
7. bcos they were constantly touched by hands and feet of ppl, which mughal ruler did away with the quranic kalima from coins
8. which tight-fitting trousers and short riding boots shares its name with an indian city
9. which prog topped last week’s TRPs on Indian TV
10. how many vincent van gogh sell in his lifetimend in India


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


Brand Equity Quiz 2011 Delhi Prelims

Brand Equity 2011 Delhi Prelims
1. Which Bollywood celebrity, apart from Shah Rukh Khan, rang the NASDAQ bell ? Kajol
2. In response to Ford’s letter, which gift did Gandhiji gave to Ford : Charkha
3. Voice for Simpsons has been given by Md. Yunus
4. Which Indian leader is said to have popularized Sambalpuir sarees ? Indira Gandhi
5. In India which subject has the most enrolment: Arts
6. On the death of which inventor were all lights dimmed in the US for a minute on 21.10.1931 as a mark of respect? Edison
7. Which event raised $250 million for the children with the tagline, `Beauty with a Purpose’ ? Miss World
8. ICICI created which rating agency ? CRISIL
9. In which novel of Premchand the protagonist Hori Mahto desired to have a cow like everybody else ? Godaan
10. Who is the richest Chief Minister in India with a declared wealth of 86 crores ? Mayawati
11. Which ruler issued coins depicting himself as Sikandar-al-Sami ? Khilji
12. 13 billion dollars is spent by the Americans on which apparel Jeans
13. Initial name was Sky Peer to Peer; how is it known today ? Skype
14. Which football league is the richest ?EPL
15. GMRC has introduced 2 educational games on the Delhi Metro, one is Ludo, what is the other ?Snake & Ladders
16. Who is the most expensive female artiste in India -Amrita Shergil
 17. 24th February is celebrated as the Excise Day in honour of the Central Excise and _____ Act, 1944 – Salt
18. John Bisdel’s baby celebrates 50 years in Delhi – 8 letter word ? FabIndia
19. British beer named after a reptile? Cobra
20. Name the Philipino Award instituted out of a grant from the Rockerfeller Foundation- Magsasay
21. Visual – OREO
22. Visual – Max Factor
23. Print Ad – Tanishq
24. Audio – Song from Chillar Party
25. Audio – Sushma Swaraj’s speech
26. A word in Japanese meaning “great prince” is applied to business magnets Tycoon
27. Izzat ka _________ Faluda
28. Name the king from Solar dynasty who sold himself, his wife and son to redeem his pledge? Harishchandra
29. In 2009 a street between College Street and Dartmouth Avenue was named after ? Peter Drucker
30. The most amounts are spent in the US for fighting which disease ? Heart Disease

via Ajay Sahoo/ Quinkie


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


Brand Equity Quiz 2011- Kolkata Prelims

Brand Equity Quiz 2011- Kolkata Prelims

Courtesy: Rabi Sankar Saha

Winners: TCS-Kolkata

Teams on stage: ITC 2 teams, HSBC, MJunction, Rourkella Steel Plant & TCS

Q No. 1 to 25 contains 1 marks

1. Which Indian physicist wroked in the Presidency College as a Professor without taking
a salary for three Yrs?

J.C. Bose

2. FITB-Jean-Baptiste Say’s said ‘Supply creates its own……’


3. Globally which is the first brand to be advertised in Premium Vodka Segment?


4. Wht did Wafa Begum give to Ranjit Singh in exchange for her husband Shah Suja’s release from prison?


5. Amongst this who has been choosen the Honorary President of ‘Frank Sinatra’s International Fan Club’; choices given Mickey Mouse, Barbie & Pillsbury Doughboy

– Barbie

6. In 16th Century, Simon Steven of Belgium drew up first version of it which was called ‘Fair Statement’, what?

Balance Sheet

7. Which is the world’s most indebted country with $13.3 Trillion in debt; choices given USA, Pakistan & Somalia-


8. Inscribed in a yellow pape, this was been guarded by the security guards & kept in a volt in Louisville, Kentucky. Wht?

KFC Formula

9. Which Book of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s tells the story of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov who kills a pawnbroker for her money?

Crime & Punishment

10. In 2011, who paid $453,770 in Federal Tax to US Govt. wch’s one-fourth of its Annual Income?

-Brack Obama

11. Wch Indian ruler written rules on stones as messages to ban slave trading?-Ashoka

12. 10 Yrs ago due to security reason, PM’s Ambassador Car has been replaced by wch brand?

13. Which brand name comes from Fine & Flexibles?- Finolex

14. Wht’s amongst these Buiness Houses do 30 Million times in a day; choices givenPhotocoping, Poweroint Presentation & somethin else

– Powerpoint Presentation

15. Sanspareils Greenland made its debut in 1982 by roping whom as Brand Ambassador?
-Sunil Gavaskar

16. The busiest Airport in UK?


17. Whose birthday, the Int. Nurses Day get celebrated on May 12?

Florence Nitengle

18. What item from Banura, WB is the motif of the All India Handicraft Board?-Horse

19. Wht was the original colour of tag of the Levi’s 501?-Red

20. Which is the last Indian Co. to manufacture the typewriter?-Godrej

21. Dabur Logo

22. Sony Vaio Ad

23. CoCo Channel Pic

24. Hindi movie Song. Id the movie?-Guide

25. AB’s voiceover in a Social Awarness Campaign?- Pulse Polio

Q No. 26 to 30 contains 2 marks each fr evry Qs

26. Wht did John Barron kept as a four digit no. because it was easier for his wife to remember?

27. Wch brand of Bata is sold to the Brazilian company named Alpragatas?-Hawai

28. FITB-Peter Drucke’s Quote ‘in modern society there is no other leadership group but

29. What’s the award for Indian Shipping & Allied Maritime Industries?


30. Which brand in 1996 in Daily Mirror published in blue as Mktg. Ploy?



TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


Brand Equity Quiz 2011 Bangalore Finals

For prelims, click here

Via Mythreyi Ranganathan

Round i

  • What is the color of a Viagra pill? Blue
  • Steve Jobs told his art director – “Don’t make it cute”. What?Apple logo
  • Which spice has the highest calorific value? Turmeric/Mustard/Nutmeg
  • Chapter in Superfreakonomics – ‘Why should suicide bombers buy____?’Life Insurance/Shares of Google/Pain killers
  • How did Kleenex first position their products since they could not estimate the demand for tissue paper? Make up remover/Post potty cleaner/Blotting paper
  • The dark knight was the first film to be available for sale on which website?Youtube/Facebook/eBay

Round ii

  • What is a blook? A blog which has been made into a book
  • Which Nobel laureate said “One day, we will look in a museum and say that’s what poverty looked like”?Mohd Yunus
  • In Celebrity Cricket League, Telugu Warriors, Chennai Rhinos. What were the Bangalore and Mumbai teams called? Bangalore Bulldozers, Mumbai Heroes
  • Which controversial organization publishes the 74 page English magazine called ‘Inspire’?Al Qaeda
  • In 2010, Finland became the first country to incorporate what as a fundamental right?Access to Broadband

Round iii – Visual round

  • “Opportunity doesn’t always arrive gift wrapped”. Ad for? Accenture
  • Image of a Book Cover. Author – Gita Mehta. Name of the book? Karma Cola
  • Logo of company – ONGC
  • Identify. Fashion – Burkini
  • Image of a stadium – Kia Oval stadium in London
  • Image of a plane. Identify the location – Visweswaraya museum

Round iv

  • CAMPARI – Banking funda to assess what? Loan applications; Credit worthiness
  • What is prepared in North India with a ‘Ranga Ticket’? It is a color chart for carpets
  • In 1971, the largest real estate transaction in the US took place. Which property was sold? Playboy mansion
  • “A good ____ is more to be desired than silver and gold” – Quote from bible. FITB Name
  • In online advertising, what is CTR? Click through rate
  • Rosser Reaves’ single most important contribution to the world of Marketing USP

Round v

  1. Video shown  – Ramoji Film City
  2. Audio. Identify the singer – Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus
  3. Video. Identify – Dolce & Gabanna
  4. Ad for? Tata Photon
  5. Voice – whose? K V Kamath
  6. Song. Identify the film – Ready

Round vi

  • Claire Mandy was the editor of the fortnightly magazine called Claire | Filmfare
  • 1940s, Italian scholar – Aldus Manutius invented which typeface? Italics
  • In 1102, William the conqueror called it “Shameful Trading”. What? Slave Trade
  • How do we refer to “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”? CAPTCHA
  • In 2010, which organization topped Fortune’s list of America’s largest organizations? Walmart
  • Under the Seeds Act of 1966, Ranbir Pusa, Taraoari and Kasturi are different varieties of what? Basmati Rice
  • In the mid 1990s, which marketing company started the CEAT cricket ratings and awards PMG

Audience Qs

  • Which visual graphic for a city was designed by Milton Glaser? I [Heart] NY
  • Which music video was released on Independence day in 1988? Mile Sur


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


Brand Equity Quiz 2011- Bangalore Prelims

Via Mythreyi Ranganathan

  1. Which sweetmeat was named by a cook, Kakasura Madappa in the Mysore palace? Mysore Pak
  2. Which Asian country has the most number of millionaires? Japan
  3. What was started as a result of the work of Norman Borlaug? Green Revolution
  4. Which candy’s name translates to ‘Dear Alps’ according to Google Translate? Alpenliebe
  5. A ________ is a girl or woman who is employed to milk goats and cows. FITB Milkmaid
  6. Who is the ambassador for Jharkand’s forest and environment department? Dhoni
  7. Which metal is associated with the character King of Pessinus? Gold
  8. Complete the title: Five Point Someone – What not to do at ___ IIT
  9. G D Birla and which Indian President formed the Krishnarpan Charity? Radha Krishnan
  10. Since the 1930s who has appeared in a red suit in magazine ads for Coca Cola? Santa Claus
  11. Which 20th century painter is the most heavily traded artist at auctions? Picasso
  12. Which social networking site was called “the most appalling spy machine” by Julian Assange of Wikileaks? Facebook
  13. The manager of which team has retained the post since the formation of the EPL in 1192? Manchester United
  14. “Doing business without ____ is like winking at a girl in the dark”. FITB  Advertising
  15. Lightning McQueen was a character in which Pixar film? Cars 2
  16. Which dish was named by Mughal emperor Akbar? Navratan Pulav
  17. Which author’s birthday is celebrated as International children’s book day? Hans Christian Anderson
  18. Who has replaced David Beckham as the new Brylcreem Boy? Kevin Pietersen
  19. Which animal is part of the Porsche logo? Horse
  20. Which company created the world’s first frozen dosa? MTR
  21. Identify the image – Picture of Blackforest cake
  22. Identify the advertiser – Absolut Fashion
  23. Identify the country whose currency is shown – Cuba
  24. Identify the speaker from the audio clip – Steve Jobs
  25. Identify the speaker and the cause – Dravid for Unicef
  26. How do we better know the Japanese Shinkasen network? Bullet Train
  27. What word was coined by Henry McKinney because the rubber sole made the shoe stealthy? Sneakers
  28. Which company’s Global Education Centre is the largest in the world? Infosys
  29. Which Indian scientist served as the editor of the ‘Astrophysical Journal’ for 19 years? Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
  30. Which king, the founder of Afsharid dynasty, looted Delhi in 1739? Nadir Shah

Brand Equity Quiz- Chennai-2011- Finals Questions

Brand Equity Quiz- Chennai-2011- Finals Questions

Courtesy: Sethu Madhavan

ornamental designson the ankle on the side of the socks is called what cock/clock/flock

according to research which is the most annoying sound Dialup modem/ Royal enfield engine/

acc to al Ries which is the most diff and most rewarding Selling/ giving a brand name/creating a new category

New category

don bradman did 2 articels for wisden one was morden ways of cricket what was the other on-TV replays/adidas/sponsored trophies
tv replays

if monitors where the first to rec energy star which was the second Fridge/Printer/FAX

in 1821 the bruces code were the mgmt rules for which one Melb CG / TTD / East IC

abt Whom did GD birla say this
he has a lot of money but is he happy?
the designer of which product called it agressively feminie and its presnece is there in Encyclopedia britannica
Coca cola bottle
gulf war geneeral george (complicated second name) chairman of joint forces commented.. we don’t win unless______ says win

As a famine release measure which ruler directed all farmers to contribue grain for 200 dankas per sack…
sher suri

champagne made from non champagne reion is called?
sparkling wine

cyber world what is astro turfing

artificial grassroots campaign
Print Ads  MC D /  LIC/ Broker novel by JOhn Grisham/ SAIL LOGO what words will be written beneath the Logo…… SAIL IN HINDI AND SAIL IN ENGLISH

Pic of a women wearing trousers name the trouser

He loved Crystals . He was once halted at the airport for excess baggage. he ditched his bags and carried only the crystals who?
CV raman

A place called Murano near venice is known for its glass blowers. If these glass blowers get it wrong they always end up doing a flask. which word originated coz of this

Acc to Ogilvy  if it doesnt sell it isnt _________
Champions club is this companys initiative  to improve the lifestyle of carpenters


Video /Audio round  – Levis/ james Murdoch/ Neil Diamond Song

20th century fox music was played. This music is usually played before the movies. who actually payed to have this music used in his movie. name person or movie
star wars  George Lucas
most serched pop star on google in 2010
Justin Bieber

defintion of a factory outlet
in 1896 the collapsible Tube was invented . what went in first

english cricketer pic and swarowski

in latin it is Augeo Auctus

kadi / jalwa and kashmiri are types of

Sweetest Place on earth..

1930 this brand  was a disinfectol

Brand Equity Quiz- Chennai-2011- Prelims Questions

Brand Equity Quiz Prelims- Chennai-2011

Winners: Crisil

Teams on stage: CTS/ Crisil/ Global Scholars/ Infy/ Sanmar/ TCS

1) Blinding Edge – owned by whom |  M N  Shyamalan

2) What event was created in 1952 to promote catalina swimsuit brand? Miss Universe

3) Maximum amount for which single telegraphic money order may be issued-

1000/3000/5000/10000 | 5000

4) 2010 most sold car- 3 options given | Alto

5) What is sold as Thosai in Singapore? Dosai

6) What was used as motif in South Indian coins in early days? Tiger/ Peacock/ Lion | Tiger

7) St andrews/ Kelvin/Onasis/Victoria are diff ways to tie a Tie/Shoelace/ G string | Tie

8) Ponting was a given a nickname because he used to bet big on horses- What? Punter

9) If you recive a oyseter card for travel which city would you be in paris / London / some

other city | London
10) Queen of this country commissioned MF hussain to do a canvas for 99 paintings on Islamic Art. | Qatar

11) $9B is spent to eradicate this and it consumes $1B lives Polio/Malaria/ Dengue | Polio

12) Former President of INC joined his uncle Karupaiah clothig biz as salesboy | Kamaraj

13) Aiswarya got her biggest paycheck for which movie till date | Robot

14) India’s___ recycling sector accounts for 9000 cr and employs 3m people | Cowdung/Plastic/Glass


15) In 2002, this company acquired for $8000 and said it was desirable for them | Monster

16) Tata’s i-Shakti salt’s i stands for – Iodine

17)Who gets higher salary LS MP or RS MP or both? Both equal

18) Lenendary figure who was assisted by fellow outlaws who called themselves merry men –Robin Hood

19) BCCI Logo

20) Mechanic movie poster

21) Jules Verne hotel where would you find it? Eiffel Tower

22) Bryan Adams song

23) Bill Gates audio

24) Perry Masons actual profession – the fictional character created by Erle Stan Garden –Lawyer

25) Whose last book was new age of Innovation which he wrote with M S Krishnan? C K Prahlad

26) In Hindu mtyhology who is the maker of all ornaments –Viswakarma

27) With a view to restructure the housing needs of the rural poor they launched__________Awas Yojana in 1985

Indira Gandhi

28) Mozilla Firefox is the name of which animal red panda/ Wolf/ Armadillo/-  Red Panda

29)  The US received most no of spams in 2010. Which country ranked second? India

30)  So far, the effort to eradicate which disease has cost $9 billon and consumes $1 billion world wide every year? Ops: Polio, Malaria, Influenza | Polio

Order of questions may be jumbled. 
Courtesy: Sethu Madhavan & Quiz Master Baba

TBQ Classic Series- Mini Sample

1) “X” refers to the posting of union members in a particular location to form a symbolic fence.

During a strike, if a worker passes through the lines of union members protesting, and attends to his or her work, he or she is said to have “Crossed the “X” line”.  The phrase originated around the early American Civil War, and referred to the “X” guard who acted as a fence or barrier to enemy troops. The phrase was borrowed to tag the strikers acting as a fence or barrier to workers attempting to get into wherever they were going.

A “X”is the upright post or stake used in a fence. The soldier or striker is the “X”. Several of them in a long row makes the line. If you cross the line, you cross the “X”. Hence, the phrase Crossing the “X” line. What is X?

2) It was started in the 1930s as a line of defense against possible invasion, and derived its name from the triangular shape of the concrete anti-tank barriers that were part of the fortifications. The historic installations along the line might well have been demolished without the intervention of a number of private individuals who wanted to ensure that the younger generations would know what life was like in wartime Switzerland. What?

3) Johann A. _____, a German, founded this company in 1823 in theNetherlandsto make industrial chemicals. In 1956, they launched Calgon Water Softener and made a name for itself globally as the Calgon maker.  Fill in the blank with a surname which is now part of a larger brand.

4) The roots of this term can be traced to the pirates who prowled the shipping trade routes in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The Dutch word for pirate was vrijbuiter—a word that eventually led to similar sounding French and Spanish term. The British, however, pronounced it ________. Today it means, “An action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures”. What’s the word?

5)“X” Kentucky Whisky, first distilled in 1860 in “X” Station,Kentucky, is a whisky known for its rich heritage and mild taste profile.

 Although the year 1860 congers up images of “X” today, at the time, the brand’s original distillers believed the industry was turning too modern, too quickly, and wanted a brand that captured the “good old days.” Thus, the brand name “X” was selected to remind consumers of the old-fashioned methods of making whisky – mashing grain in small tubs and boiling the beer and whisky in copper stills over open fires.

 Closed by Prohibition, the distillery, brand and barrel inventory was acquired by medicinal whiskey permit holder Brown-Forman Distillers in 1923.  Brown-Forman moved the production of “X” to Louisville,Kentuckyin 1935 where it has thrived to this day.  Every drop is distilled under the late 1800’s permit number DSP – 354.

 “X” is the second oldest continually produced whisky brand in America, and the distillery was founded by “Y”‘s uncle, Jack. Which brand is “X” and who is “Y?”

6)This bronze sculpture, A River, is a cast of a famous work created by Jean-Jacques Caffieri  in 1759. It depicts Oceanus, the Greek god of water. Oceanus was portrayed in this bank’s first logo, representing its origin as a water company.

 The bank used numerous versions of Oceanus from its founding in 1799 through the mid-1950s. Name the bank.


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.



1) X:Picket

2) Toblerone Line

3) Benckiser

4) Filibuster | French term flibustier | Spanish term filibustero

5) X: Early Times | Y: Jim Beam

6) The Bank of The Manhattan Company


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


TBQ Classic Series- Full Sample-4

[ This is part of the actual TBQ Classic Series sent to our premium subscribers. Subscribers get these sets as PDF files. ]


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


The Business Quiz

These quizzes are part of the TBQ Classic series

This is for private circulation.

TBQ –309

1) A company, Keen Robinson & Company, originally Keen & Son, which was founded in 1742, was successful in making its product a household name. It is thanks to this success that a phrase originated in the English language. What’s the phrase?

2 ) [X], lawyer, editor, reformer and pioneer in the field of financial data collection and investment analysis. Born in Andover, Maine, he began his career as a lawyer in Bangor, Maine, working for his brother, John Alfred, a major force in building the Maine railroad system.  From his brother, he learned, first-hand, the railroad business and later, journalism, beginning in 1849 when John Alfred bought the American Railroad Journal and installed his brother as editor in New York. In 1860, he published the History of the Railroads and the Canals of the United States, the grandfather of all investment publications.  It was the first major attempt to record the past and present operations of an entire industry and became the basis for what, in two years’ time, would become regularly published industry updates known as ____ Manual.

[Y], founder of _____ Statistics Bureau, was a self-trained businessman interested in the processing and distribution of news and information. Raised in poverty in Fayetteville, Tenn., he left home as a young man to work as a telegraph operator in a Nashville brokerage firm before moving to New York in hopes of a career on the stage. To support himself, he took a job answering investment inquiries at the investment bank Laidlaw & Co. where he recognized the difficulties of obtaining reliable information about and from publicly held companies. Seeing an opportunity for filling this information gap, he began to work on his own time compiling data on 100 of the country’s largest corporations.  Assembling this information on 5×7 inch filing cards, he quickly signed up 50 subscribers for his new service, leaving Laidlaw in 1906 to form _______ Statistics Bureau.

In 1941, the agencies merged. Identify the personalities and the agency as we know it now.

3) Their first store was opened in 1976 near Lille. The concept, innovative at the time, was to offer a wide range of sporting self-service and low prices. In 1996, they created their first Passion Brands: Tribord for water sports, Quechua for mountain sports. Name this brand popular even in India.

4) An important factor throughout the 19th century was the _______system. With no unemployment pay for most workers, members of the various trade societies were enabled to leave their home town in search of work. Arriving in a new town, they could register with the landlord at the local society’s public house. They were usually provided one night’s food, lodging and beer, but if no work was available they were expected to move on. The landlord’s records served as a clearing house of information as to the work situation in the town and in nearby towns. Which system?

5) Who did he supposedly replace?

6) Dr. Thomas Bramwell stepped in as Communion steward of the Vineland (N.J.) Methodist Church in 1869.This physician and dentist gladdened the hearts of fellow communicants on Sunday by serving sterilized, unfermented grape juice. It tasted almost like wine.

Name the brand he came up with. [ Available in supermarkets in India]

7) The brothers, Naveen, Anil and Bimal, belonged to a Maharashtra-based family that was involved in the business of importing books. Reluctant to join the family business, the brothers shifted to Rajkot, Gujarat and joined a relative in making diesel engines for agricultural purposes. Before long, they became interested in the fast moving consumer goods business. Impressed by the success of a small mosquito repellant company in Rajkot, the brothers decided to venture into the business and set up a company. They launched their most famous product in 1993, and is now a subsidiary of SC Johnson Co. Name the Indian company.

8) This is defined as a situation when gross domestic product (GDP) growth slides back to negative after a quarter or two of positive growth or it refers to a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession. What’s the buzzword?

9) [Tata Question] In the 1980s, the Tatas had a collaboration with a UK company that had a substantial share in the security printing market all over the world. What was the JV called as?

10) Andrew Vachss, author and lawyer had written a mission statement for Don’t! Buy! _______! during the 1990s. It is reproduced below.

Stop Child Sex Tourism
    by Andrew Vachss

    Language—the most powerful weapon we humans have ever created. Sometimes, that weapon is used against innocent children. Take the term “Child Prostitution.” Journalists use it so often it has become part of our common language. But “prostitution” is the exchange of sex for money. Often called a “victimless crime”—in itself, a moronic statement—the public perceives the word “prostitute” as pejorative. Indeed, we call a person who “sells out” his/her moral convictions in exchange for personal gain a “prostitute”. The essence of “prostitution” implies consent. So when pedophiles talk about “child prostitution,” they (deliberately) further the lie that little children are “seductive,” that they “volunteer” to have sex with freaks…in exchange for cash that they never see. A despicable myth, lovingly nourished by the flesh-peddlers.

    Pedophiles want to sneak sexual exploitation into the “prostitution” continuum. If we allow the term “child prostitution” to gain a sufficient foothold in our language, we surrender ground to the enemy. There is no such thing as “child prostitution.” That term contradicts itself, “proving” a lie. This is child sexual exploitation, nothing else and nothing less. We need to change the language. We don’t change language with more language—we change it with behavior. And, sometimes, the highest form of behavior is what we don’t do…what we refuse to do.

    Perhaps you’ve heard—although if you relied on the American media, probably not—about the “war” against “kiddie sex tourism” in Southeast Asia, with [name of the country] being the main offender. Well, this hasn’t been anything close to a war—in a war, people shoot back. With your help, we propose to change all that.

    Not only is the foul “business” of kiddie sex tourism rampant throughout Southeast Asia, the “host countries” themselves have, by their conduct, proclaimed themselves proudly corrupt and profoundly evil. [name of the country] has been a safe harbor for predatory pedophiles from all over the world. But what [name of the country] has not been, up to now, is accountable. And that’s where you come in….

    What we need are warriors committed to force [name of the country]to change its ways. And our weapon of choice is BOYCOTT. We want Americans to boycott anything made or manufactured in [name of the country]. It sells its children like products. It traffics in the flesh of its own babies. For money. And the only thing that will stop it is the loss of money.

    Many products sold in America—from “figurines” fashioned from comics superheroes or cartoon characters, to video games, to sneakers, to dresses of ______ silk—are made in a country which is for many of its children, HELL ON EARTH.

    We want you to support the boycott personally and urge others to do the same. We want you to write about it, talk about it, sing about, upload it, paint it, sculpt it, soapbox it, editorialize it—whatever you can do to help bring the baby-peddlers down. The “Made in [name of the country]” label is a symbol of foul dishonor. It should be rejected by all consumers, not just those with children of their own. And the next time you hear someone use the term “child prostitution,” tell them the TRUTH!

    We want you to tell your friends to tell their friends. We want to have the world’s first “chain letter” that breaks chains! None of us will buy anything that says “Made in [name of the country]” on it.

    We can’t change a country’s morals, but we can sure as hell change its behavior. So Don’t! Buy! ______!—and tell them (all!) why.

    —Andrew Vachss


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

Answers :
Ans1: as keen as mustard
Ans2: X: Henry Varnum Poor (1812-1905) Y: Luther Lee Blake (1874-1953) | Standard & Poor’s
Blanks: Poor | Standard

Ans3: Decathlon
Ans4: tramping
Ans5: He is the New Old Spice Guy: Fabio| Old Old spice guy: Mustafa

Ans6: Welch by Dr. Thomas Bramwell Welch
Ans7: Karamchand Appliances (Arya brothers)
Ans8: Double-Dip Recession
Ans9: Tata Bradbury Wilkinson
Ans10: Blank: Thai | Country: Thailand


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


TBQ Classic Series- Full Sample-3

[ This is part of the actual TBQ Classic Series sent to our premium subscribers. Subscribers get these sets as PDF files. ]


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only.Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


The Business Quiz

These quizzes are part of the TBQ Classic series

This is for private circulation.

TBQ –308

1) This town owes much of its identity to brass. For generations, the brass industry dominated the city, even as it created the city. Today, while the brass industry is a thing of the past, it is still known as the Brass City and the city’s motto, ironically, is still Quid Aere Perennius (What Is More Lasting Than Brass?). The city seal depicts the interior of a brass mill, an image that is almost indecipherable to modern eyes.

Its brass industry is traditionally considered to have begun in 1802 with the establishment of Abel Porter & Co., which eventually transformed into the Scovill Manufacturing Company. Its first generation of brass manufacturers did not set out to create a brass industry. Their initial goal was to produce buttons and clocks to be sold by peddlers as an alternative to farming, which was a limited success in this town. It is believed that the place turned to manufacturing because the quality of the soil here was too poor to sustain farming. Its early clock industry, begun by James Harrison in 1790, was intricately connected to clockmaking in Bristol and Terryville. Candace Roberts, daughter of Bristol clockmaker Gideon Roberts, was one of many young women hired by Harrison to paint the dials of his clocks.

The Scovill Manufacturing Company survives even today, along with the American Pin Company (established in 1846), the [City Name] Button Company (1849), and a famous watch company which was earlier named after the city’s name. Name the city/town and the watch company.

2) From the 1880s to the 1930s, a provision was in place that allowed investors to avoid double taxation — paying taxes on both the corporate and individual level — because trusts were not taxed at the corporate level if income was distributed to beneficiaries. This was reversed in the 1930s, when passive investments were taxed at both the corporate level and as part of individual income tax. After 30 years because of the high demand for real estate funds, President Eisenhower signed the 1960 “X” tax provision qualifying “X”s as pass-through entities.

A company must distribute at least 90 percent of its taxable income to its shareholders each year to qualify as a “X”.

“X” are corporations that own and manage a portfolio of real estate properties and mortgages. Anyone can buy shares in a publicly traded “X”. They offer the benefits of real estate ownership without the headaches or expense of being a landlord. Unlike actual real estate property, these shares can be quickly and easily sold. And because you’re investing in a portfolio of properties rather than a single building, you face less financial risk. What is “X?”

3) Harley Earl (standing in this photo) developed and introduced the legendary Buick Y Job to display the latest developments and trends in engineering and styling.

It was the first car developed with an eye, less on commercial production than on gauging public reaction to new technologies and designs, thus adding a new jargon to automobile marketing. What’s the phrase?

4) The choice of the name was deliberate. The unique distinction of the authentic ___ Roussel hybrid flower is its ability to enrich the soil wherever it grows. Historic references reveal that the flower provided succor and relief to the people struck by the adversities arising out of a severe famine: those who consumed it overcame. The company was created by a former Associate Prof of Chemistry at BITS, Pilani. He worked with Khandelwal Laboratories, May & Baker and then started on his own by buying the trademark from Charak Pharmaceuticals. Name him and the company he founded in 1968.

5) This mascot for this company’s high-speed Internet service is being replaced by another of its mascot which the company uses for its cable-TV and phone services. This logo- the drawing of a human eye and ear is all part of a strategy to bring some newness to the brand. The soon-to-be-replaced mascot is a famous cartoon character who is the ornithological bane of Wile E. Coyote’s existence. Name the company and the mascot.






6) The abstract of this recently granted patent reads thus:
A system provides a periodically changing story line and/or a special event company logo to entice users to access a web page. For the story line, the system may receive objects that tell a story according to the story line and successively provide the objects on the web page for predetermined or random amounts of time. For the special event company logo, the system may modify a standard company logo for a special event to create a special event logo, associate one or more search terms with the special event logo, and upload the special event logo to the web page. The system may then receive a user selection of the special event logo and provide search results relating to the special event.

What’s it all about?

7) [Tata Question] Identify this product.










8) He dabbled into his father’s shipping agency business before getting hooked on telecom. He started [X] Telecom, precursor to his flagship [X] Telesystems, in 1987. It began by distributing Apple Computers and desktop publishing systems and then moved into manufacturing push-button phones and became among the country’s first Internet service providers. He sold the business and latched onto telecom infrastructure. Today his [X] Group, a collection of seven companies, is a provider of network services to telecom firms in 44 countries. Identify him and the group, [X].

9) It was in 1856 that a tannery unit was established based on the use of vegetable tanning technique popularized by the East India Company. The finished products were used by the Army. This unique process and craftsmanship of producing them has been adopted by the small-scale tanners in Tiruchi and Dindigul areas in Tamil Nadu for over a century. Name this leather which received a GI recently.

10) Pay brand-new employees $2,000 to quit; Make customer service the responsibility of the entire company-not just a department; Focus on company culture as the #1 priority; Apply research from the science of happiness to running a business; Help employees grow-both personally and professionally; Seek to change the world Oh, and make money too . . . Sound crazy? It’s all standard operating procedure at an online retailer that’s doing over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales annually.

CEO Tony Hsieh shares the different lessons he has learned in business and life, from starting a worm farm to running a pizza business, through LinkExchange, _________, and more. Which company is this book about?


TBQ Classic: Set of 310 quizzes (each Set with 10 questions)- Rs. 7875/-Frequency: 5-6 sets of questions per week on an average. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.

That’s not all. We are now offering TBQ Classic Archives. Lucky, you folks are. 1050 questions in one shot. Rs. 3725/- only. Mail us at thebusinessquizATgmailDOTcom for more info.


Answers :

Ans1: Waterbury | Waterbury Clock Company, now known as Timex

Ans2: X: REIT- Real Estate Investment Trust
Ans3: Concept Car

Ans4: Desh Bandhu Gupta |  Lupin

Ans5: Time (TWC) | Mascot: Road Runner


Ans6: Patent for Google Doodle granted to Sergey Brin
Ans7: Tata Walky Groove Station ( Tata Teleservices)

Ans8: Manoj Tirodkar | Global Group Enterprises/ GTL

Ans9: EI Leather [ EI stands for East India]
Ans10: Zappos