Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Mumbai 2010-Finals- Tata Track

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Mumbai 2010-Finals-Tata Track

Courtesy: Team Bizdom


Tata Track

Tata Power – Sidharth M, Pankaj k (30)

Tata Capital – Govind Grewal, Preeti Shankar (40)

Tata Teleservices – Vishwanathan, Sridhar (10)

TCS – Suresh Kumar, Aniruddh Dutta (65)

Tata Communication – Atulya, Jamshed (0)

TCS – Pravin Varma, Ankit (10)

  1. Safe hair dye
  2. As a writing instrument brand, it got delayed approval because its name is derived from a profession which doesn’t speak about its actual function at all.
  3. What’s M in MSD, a company of German Origin?
  4. Blue agave based
  5. Who is the youngest division chief in the World Bank’s history?
  6. 1385, flatplate trademark
  7. David Novak Chairman

1) Loreal
2) Pilot pens
3) Merck
4) Tequila
5) Montek Singh
6) Xerox
7) Pizza Hut

Audience Q

Cerf’s up- Whose car nameplate

Ans: Vinton cerf

1. Whose hat is this?

2. A picture of Books and Beyond
3. Identify the logo. 

4. With whom you can associate “Independent Evaluation Group”?

5. Identify the advertiser.

6. Who is advertising?

1) Pondicherry Police
2) RPG
4) WOrld Bank
5) Tata Jagriti yatra
6) Accenture

Tata World

  1. Founded in 1924, passionate in retail, has some connection with Croma.
  2. K M Garda, Chairperson, IT solution company
  3. Mitsubishi security…
  4. Optical frame for women.


1) Woolworth
2) Nelito
3) Tata Capital
4) Enigma

Round 4:

1) GS, Zenith…

2) Legend, ideapact

3) ‘World’s biggest family’, Amby valley logo

4) Navteq…

2) Lenovo
3) Sahara
4) Nokia Siemens


  1. Which famous entrepreneur said; “I endorse my favorite bag……..”.
  2. Malcom Glaze
  3. Model for Burberry
  4. This word’s English mean is ‘immediate/instinct’; this particular service generates enormous revenue for a government organization.


1) Branson- Samsonite
2) Man U
3) Ema Watson
4) Tatkal

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Mumbai 2010-Prelims

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz Mumbai 2010

Courtesy: Team Bizdom


  1. What is missing in this famous quote said by British PM David Lloyd George “Death is the most convenient time to _______ rich people.
  2. This trademark was first used in clothing as the only material capable of protecting workers on the infamous Manhattan Project from the corrosive Uranium hexafluoride to make U-235 for the 1st atom bomb.
  3. Started in 1903 in New Castle, Pennsylvania with the borrowing of 99 chairs from the local undertaking and later returned the same to use for the funerals.
  4. With a US $ 150 m five year grant from the Emir of ______, Al Jazeera began broadcasting for six hours a day in 1996.
  5. Which company in conjunction with Canon launched a Pocketronic, the first electronic pocket calculator in 1970?
  6. What brand was established by a business man who beat Lasslo Biro in launch of America’s 1st ballpoint in 1944?
  7. The term A1 from first rate or “highest quality” was first used in what kind of business; the term was used to designate the quality of ships by marine underwriters?
  8. From an ad- I can’t type, I don’t take dictation, I can’t file. My boss calls me indispensable. I push the button on the _____ _____.
  9. What publication has a long standing tradition in which an editor’s only signed article during his/her tenure is written on the occasion of his/her departure from the position?
  10. What is the flagship brand of Bengal Waterproof Ltd; founded by Surendra Mohan Bose?
  11. What was found by Henry Luce in February 1930, four months after the Wall Street crash of 1929?
  12. Which company built the Gateway of India?
  13. The name of this country is derived from a Latin word for a metal and its first use can be traced to the 1602?
  14. Three brothers Henry, Emanuel and Mayse in 1850 as a small dry goods store which specialized in the cotton?
  15. Which iconic institute’s premises are situated in Paternoster Squares close to St.Paul Cathedral in the city of London?
  16. Which two companies ranked 2nd and 3rd in their field would you find in the small German town Herzogenaurach?
  17. Who created Eee-pad to rival Apple’s i-pad?
  18. In 1942, a group of Quaker intellectuals, social activists and Oxford academics started this organization?
  19. Horn Mountain, Atlantis, Mad Dog and Thunder Horse are the deep underwater sites of which?
  20. How we better know Worli Chemicals today?
  21. Identify the great global corporation
22. Identify him.

23.Who owns it?

24. Housefull producer
25. An Advertisement showing caption “kam life insurance matlab no insurance”.
1) Tax
2) Teflon
3) Warner Bros
4) Qatar
5) Texas Instruments
6) Reynolds
7) Insurance
8) Xerox 914
9) Economist
10) Duckback
11) Fortune
12) Gammon
13) Argentina-Argentum
14) Lehman Brothers
15) London Stock Exchange
16) Adidas, Puma
17) Asus
18) Oxfam
19) BP
20) Wockhardt
21) GM (whitacre)
22)Ranjan Das
23) Apple
24) Sajid Nadiadwala
25) Aegon Religare

Tata Crucible Corporate 2014 Cochin Prelims

Tata Crucible Corporate 2014 Cochin Prelims

Courtesy: Anil Raghavan

1)company shareholders liability is restricted to the original capital. Indicated by which term?

2)Mentholated cough drops owned by warner lambert & cadbury.

3)Company famous for aerial ads using blimps

4)Logos of thomas & uber cup.id the main sponsor

5)financial tool used by banks to improve economy
Quantitative easing

6)MAC cosmetics was started by Frank toscan & frank angelo. MAC stands for?
Make up artists

7)Andrew tan is the 4th richest man in philippines. What is the liquor brand owned by him(relate to kings)

8)poster of 1942 movie starring bing crosby & fred astaire.Gave rise to what
Holiday inn

9)TTK’s 2012 condom brand

10)Third powerful indian according to some forbes list
Mukesh ambani

11)This forum is held in vienna in November from 2009.named after
peter drucker

12)old logo of uti bank

13)Devised by jimo’neill based on 6 emerging economies egypt,indonesia,s.africa,vietnam,columbia &turkey

14)Idiom concerning excess regulation of bureaucrats
Red tape

15)When dow jones started in 1885 the top firms belonged to
rail road

18)pic ben&jerry founders

17)Mobile phone named after replicants in blade runner

18)question on kokuyo which became camlin

19)pic B.Ashok

20)pic jack ma

Of No Significance 4 — TBQ’s Newsletter #OfNoSi

Welcome to TBQ’s #OfNoSi newsletter 4.
Check the image below. Any guesses? Yes, that’s from the famed Abbey Road photo shoot of the Beatles.

Prior to the shoot, Paul McCartney had sketched his ideas for the cover, to which Macmillan added a more detailed illustration.

Read more from that day.

Post 911, Swiss knife maker Victorinox started focussing on kitchen knifes along with the Swiss Army watches and luggage that Victorinox started producing in 1989 and 1999. Why?

“Our company has never been as hard-hit as it was by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York and Washington,” the 55-year-old Elsener says. Almost overnight, after sharp objects were prohibited on airplanes, sales of the fireman-red knives — which had been a duty-free staple in airport stores and on flights — collapsed.

Read more here.

Who invented the deo as we know it?

An unknown inventor from Philadelphia, USA developed a wax-like cream with slightly antibacterial zinc oxide in 1888. This was the birth of the first deodorant worldwide. The brand MUM owes its name to the nurse of the inventor, who had the nickname MUM. The first deodorant was used not only to prevent armpit odour but also foot odour. It was hoped that the very expensive silk stockings worn back then would last longer by using the antibacterial cream. Morever, women used the cream during menstruation.

Read more.

Apple employs spies?

They call themselves the Worldwide Loyalty Team. Among some employees, they are known as the Apple Gestapo, a group of moles always spying in headquarters and stores, reporting directly to Jobs and Oppenheimer.

Read more here.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of OfNoSi.

OfNoSi Newsletter: Of No Significance #3

Welcome to another edition of OfNoSi, TBQ’s official newsletter. 

First, a story from the world of internet.

Ben Silbermann, the founder of Pinterest walked around Palo Alto and said “Will you please use my product?” He also used to run around the Apple store in Palo Alto, and he would like set all the browsers to the Pinterest homepage real quick, before they caught him and kicked him out, (laughter) and so that when people walked in they were like “Oh, what’s this?”

Read more here.

Since it’s the season of bans, here’s one on those lines.

In 1931 it was banned by the Governor of Hunan Province in China on the grounds that “Animals should not use human language, and that it was disastrous to put animals and human beings on the same level.”

Guess the book? Answer here.

The Russians are crazy!

Before they climb the launch tower to board the Soyuz capsule that will take them into space, cosmonauts take a moment to stop at the right rear tire of the bus set to drive them to the launch site and … relieve themselves. No, really. Here’s a safe-for-work (though a bit crude) photo of the deed being done.

More on the superstitious Russian cosmonauts here.

See what this DIY dad did.

Choon Ng, a Malaysian immigrant, wasn’t even thinking about entering the toy market. He simply wanted to share the experience of making bracelets out of rubber bands with his daughters. But his fingers were too big.

Meet the man behind Rainbow Loom.

These guys sold air? That’s so not believable!

Company legend holds that a few years after Sealed Air was founded in 1960, an innovative marketer named Frederick W. Bowers finally found the true value in the cellular bubbles. IBM had just launched the 1401, one of the world’s first mass-produced business computers. Bowers showed IBM how Bubble Wrap could protect the 1401′s fragile innards in transit. “Serendipitously, Bubble Wrap and vacuum tubes met,” says Hickey.

More here

To subscribe, please click here.

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2014 Bhubaneswar Prelims & Finals


Q1) It has been referred by BBC as “India’s largest museum” with 6000 pieces of Indian art forms from 8th century to 19th century. The area will surpass the number of visitors to the Louvre. What are we talking about that has been architecturally designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merill?

A) T-2 Terminal of Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai

Q2) Dial soap which originated in 1948 was originally an off shoot of Chicago based meat processor Armour & Company and was America’s first ______________ soap. Fill in the blank.

A) Fragrance Soap

Q3) Its various names around the world are Brush or Ice –shaver ,Tortoise ,Navel, Little cockroach ,Frog little flea. It also appeared in the Pixar movie Cars in the form of bugs. What?

A) Volkswagen Beetle

For more, visit Crucible Chronicles

For finals, visit this link.

Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2014_Hubli Prelims

Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2014_Hubli Prelims

Courtesy: Ketan Naik

1. It was founded by Harry Pickup. Name this famous cleaning brand: Harpic

2.The founder was DR burman and was founded in kolkata. Name this brand: Dabur

3.Named after strepto bacillum bacteria,this brand is used in sore throat cure.: Streptsils

4.This mosquito repellent got name from dead one in german : Mortein

5.logo of search engine: bing

6.visual of famous doll after barbie : Mrs kitten??

7.Book visual written on famous leather product brand.:Gucci

8.Telegraph service was provided by whom?: Indian postal service

9. Which of these car was famous in UK: mini/nano/fiat

10. “Think outside the bun” is tagline of: Macdonald/dominos/taco bell

11.Ye hey rishton ka time tagline of?: Dominos pizza

12.Macharon pe war surakshit apka parivar. which brand?: All Out

13. Novel visual

14. Titan is entering into which new segment in its dealing with 2 wheelers? :helmet

15. Named after a person who determined the correct value of Absolute zero. Which brand? :kelvinator

16.pic duracell

TATA Crucible Corporate Quiz 2013 Chennai Finals (TATA Track)

TATA Crucible Corporate Quiz 2013 Chennai Finals (TATA Track)

Via Madanish Kanna


  1. Symbol for a brand.. – called omni – etc etc – KAPPA
  2. Highly caffeinated – citrus taste – coke – march 1979.. competition to mt dew. à MELLOW YELLOW
  3. Film co owned by disney. .—etc – MIRAMAX
  4. Internet magazine – unique list – franchise 500 – the entrepreneur
  5. What change did BJP change in the budget from british raj  – timing of the budget

2nd round

  1. VIRGIN airline – remembrance of steve jobs.. blanked out what – STAY HUNGRY STAY FOOLISH
  2. Ancient characters named yahoo – pic
  3. J Mehta – pic.. ID
  5. Roney jesus print ad – nike
  6. Pic – jeff taylor – monster.com

3rd round

  1. TCS – CBFL – adult literacy
  3. Hotel used same as SANOI – TAJ kunnur
  4. Quite supplier of crockery to rastrapathi bhavan – tata ceramics

4th round

  1. Irene Rosenfeld – Kraft
  2. Fist full of rice – vikram akula
  3. ChineseYuan bond – DIMSUM
  4. Thanda matlab cocola – Prasoon Joshi

5th round

  1. Delivering lifestyle – rocket entertainment – jabong
  2. Worked for CIA &  NASA –Snowden
  3. Willaim Rosenberg – Dunkin donuts

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2013 Chennai Finals (External Track)

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2013 Chennai Finals (External Track)

Via Madanish Kanna

1st round

1. Ted turner during one of his famous speeches – mentioned that “there would be 2 things in the future that would make all happy”. ID the things
Mobile phones & aeroplanes

2. Greece govt- ancient – during wars – inorder to lower the expenditure, what specific idea did they follow – origin of BYOD – Bring your own device
3. Who runs/owns the hotel chain called LAYA, sister entity of SOBER Islands.. ?
4. Bandev mittal – 1961.. started sweet shop, also a BAJAJ dealer.. what is he famous for now?
Lovely professional univ, Punjab
5. WANALO – social site for online shopping…funda on name?
Want Need Love..
6. What is Nokia Life tools used for?

2nd round

  1. Child hold pic of Kiran Mazumdar shaw – ID
  2. Pic of an auto like tuk tuk.. whats so special of it?? Its official vehicle for ITALIAN PRESIDENT
  3. Queen of time – London, id location – Self ridges
  4. Logo of ZAIN telecom
  5. Six flags.. theme park.. n USA.. explain funda on name? its in texas and texas was under six diff govts previously
  6. Polska 1000 currency note – Copper nicus


3rd round

  1. Indian hotels – INDI
  2. Titan  watch named after a word.. – Japanese..- Tycoon
  3. Flavoritz.. what product..- tata salt
  4. Tata LOG.. funda


4th round

  1. Steve jobs + TOPCOM à GLADWELL
  2. FREE PRESS India + PREMIER padmini car + a logo à walchand hirachand
  3. Apprecentice + mid summers night dreamà play boy mansion

5th round

  1. Hamilton, prat & witne, wind power-UNITED TECH
  2. SCALP care, hand book-     HEAD & SHOULDERS
  3. Founders name of BLUE STAR.. given..

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2013 Lucknow Prelims

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2013 Lucknow Prelims


1. Who is behind “10000 Startups” in India? NASSCOM
2. Which Bollywood actor started in Military Censor office at the salary of Rs. 165? Dev Anand
3. In 1744, first mail order guarantee was started by whom in USA? Benjamin Franklin
4. What is “One buyer and many seller”? Monopsony
5. Ad picture with the tagline “Ride your way”? Honda
6. Who has started “project sentum’ in India to expand their market? Schwarzkoff
7. He is an ex-chief justice of Punjab, is investigating the walmart lobbying case.- Mukul Mudgal
8. Which is the only bank that hasLatin as their language in their ATM machine? Vatican Bank
9. What was started by Pestonjee Eduljee in Anand? Polson
10. Ad picture with the line, “Fusion of Rum & Coconut”- MALIBU
11. Which brand of comics was started by Deepak Chopra ? Virgin
12. Who is been appointed as the “Pleasure Ambassdor” for HUL’s Magnum ice-cream? Trisha
13. Which beer brnad has recently changed their bottle design as a bowtee one? Budweiser
14. What was started in 1993 as the first IT training org. in India? APtech
15. Some book cover that was written by Y V Reddy (clue given was that this ex-governor was from AP)
16. Who celebrate April 6th as the Care4food day? Tupperware
17. Which business guru is the author of “The Self Destructive habits of good co.”? Jagdish Seth
18. Modern coaches by Indian Railways- Anubhati
19. Named after the son of Phoebus/Helios is the a new offering from Volkswagen? Phaeton
20. Picture of Pia Singh (DLF)