Tata Crucible Corporate 2013 Guwahati Prelims


Tata Crucible Corporate 2013 GuwahatiPrelims

Via Kapinjal Chowdhury




1.”My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions”  Which Management Guru and author said these lines?

Answer- Peter Drucker

2. While at Ford this executive created “56 for 56” campaign offering loans on 1956 model year cars with 20% down payment at 56$ in monthly payments for 3 years. Who?

Answer- Lee Iocoacca

3.” To remove water from a boat by repeatedly filling a cantilever & emptying it over the side” Which management term evolved from this which is done to mean a company when it sinks?

Answer- Bail-out

4. Country club India has signed with which celebrity as it’s new brand ambassador?hint- glamorous sportsperson

Answer- Sania Mirza




Answer- Bill Gates

6. Canara Bank has eclared Kunjupannai village in Nilgiri district as _________ free. Fill in.

Answer- Money lending.

7. Ashish Hemrajani and Parikshit Dar are the founders of which entertainment portal in India?

Answer- bookmyshow.com

8. Which pharma giant has come up with an agreement with the puducherry govt for  to improve awareness of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, hypertension etc.?

Answer- Abbott

9. Philosophy of which Brand, “ Leather , sport and a tradition of refined elegance”

Answer- Hermes




Name the person.

Answer- driving license of JRD TATA.

11. Which publisher began it’s operation  by purchasing “dress” in 1913

Options- conde nast / vogue/ Time

Answer- conde nast.

12. Which anti-virus was developed by Pavel Baudis and Eduard Kucera in prague which means ‘huge reach’?

Answer-  Avast.

13. Which sportswear company named a former footballer Bjorn gulden as it CEO?

Answer- PUMA

14. Which marketing field studies “consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli”?

Answer- Neuro Marketing

15.  Logo of


Answer- Mcaffe

16.  This Indian worked for IBM in India from 1973 to 1976, then moved to the United States, where he earned an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1978. He joined McKinsey & Co., but returned to India in the early 1980s.. He now works as the president of Berkshire Hathways. Who?

Answer- Ajit Jain.

17. What was Jawarharlal Nehru referring to when he was expressing his views for a particular event held in 1957 by these words “ silent, but far reaching revolution”?

Answer- Decimalisation of Currency.

18. Which fashion designer, textile maker, craftsman was awarded the padmishri in 2013?

Answer- Ritu Kumar

19. Whose concept “ Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid”?

Answer- C K Prahlad.

20  Who?


Answer- Yash Birla

That’s all!


Kapinjal  Chowdhury  graduated this year from Assam Engineering College, Guwahati and presently stays at Hyderabad. He is an avid quizzer and along with his twin kamanasish won several quizzes across the state and the country. He is the founder of ASSAM QUIZ ASSOCIATION and writes a quiz blog namely aecqfactor.com which is the first quizblog from northeast, India!