Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 – Pune Finals (Tata Track)

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 – Pune Finals (Tata Track) via Samrat Mukherjee

For Pune prelims and external track finals, click here

For our full Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz coverage, click here

1)      Currency of Ghana : CEDI

2)      Hear Music :Starbucks

3)      Mexico’s only exchange:BOLSA

4)      Writing pioneer ,subsidiary of New Well rubber :Waterman

5)      Originally formed Huff Deland Dusters :DELTA

6)      Walmart ticker in Mexico :WALMEX


1)      Logo of photosynth from Microsoft

2)      Cover page of Yog sandesh magazine :Baba ramdev

3)      Paul the octopus app pic

4)      Lava handset significance :Indian rupee symbol

5)      PETA campaign with pic of Selvio Burloscini which says “Too much sex can be a bad thing”.

6)      Nintendo’s print ad with cards


1)      Connect –Kawasaki,KTM,Mahindra,Bajaj

2)      Connect with all GSK products

3)      Connect with all IBM products

4)      Connect with all Marico products

4th round was just too easy…choose the wrong statement from 3 statements given

1)      Imagining India by Nandan Nilekani

2)      Quesn on LEEDS

3)      Airbags –GM concept

4)      1st male model for Christian Dior :Zinadine Zidane

5)      Rodeo scooter brand :Mahindra


Tata Crucible 2011 Delhi Quiz Finals – Corporate

Tata Crucible 2011 Delhi Quiz Finals – Corporate

For prelims, click here

Courtesy: Subhodeep Jash & Samrat Mukherjee

Winner: Rohan Khanna & Anish Raju (Accenture)
External Track Finals
Round 1
1) The Government of this country came up with a ‘Supercool’ campaign which involved wearing Hawaiian shirts, t-shirts and saving electricity. Which country and why?

Japan (After effect of the nuclear disaster- not sufficient energy to run the nuclear plants)

2) In 1974, Jude Wanniski- Associated Editor, WSJ had dinner with a Professor Emeritus of University of Chicago, along with Donald Rumsfeld & Dick Cheney. The professor illustrated a concept on a napkin which was named after the prof. The dinner was meant to discuss certain taxation formulae. What was the concept which came out?

Laffer Curve after Arthur Laffer

3) This effect has been seen in India over last couple of years. A psychological tool, it is called ‘Barnum Effect’ after B.T. Barnum

Tending to overrate HR profiling characteristics in companies

4) Original composition: Flour, Water, Salt, Boric Acid, Silicone Oil. Created in 1930 at Cincinnati. Its original use was for wallpaper cleaning. Later a new method was marketed.


5) In 18th century, common practice was to make paintings on rectangular pieces of wood. Tool was used on paintings to create something. Tool lends it name to a popular culture.

‘Jigsaw’ Puzzle

6) Kayem Pharma in Borivali is in the news for a shipment. 500 gms. Consignment to US. Who is the entity and what is being purchased?

Lethal Injection Drugs for Executions in the U.S.

Round 2 (Visuals)
1) Ad entitled ‘Little Brown Bag’ & ‘Medium Brown Bag’
Bloomingdales environment-friendly and water proof shopping bags
2) Pic of London Taxis. Who in India is offering these attractions?
Panchsheel Realty- which owns Marriott in Pune

3) A Glass of Water- Lower your Consumption. Print Ad from the World of Apps
App for optimum fuel utilization in cars for driving at apt speed. (Toyota)

4) Mosquito Net. Water Filter. Solar Panel. Tablet PC. Built in Furniture & Solar Cooker.
Eco-friendly homes for construction workers

5) Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss controversial ad- ‘Move over.. There’s a new diva in town’. Who’s the diva?
Naomi Campbell

6) ‘Fluensee’ from the world of innovations.
RFID tag towels in hotels

Round 3 (TATA)
1) Jiva in TAJ

2) Insta Compute is a service introduced by Tata Communications
Cloud Computing

3) Vinod Kumar is the Addl. Sports officer of NDPL. He is the Chief coach in which discipline for India’s contingent to the 2012 London Olympics?
Freestyle wrestling

4) Tata Motors- LPTA 404 model- armored vehicle used to transport who or what?
To Transport prisoners

Round 4 (Lateral Connect)
1) PCJ, Philite, Polygram, Atos Origin, ‘Desi Girl’ song

2) Emma Watson, Titanic song, Castle pic, Logo

3) Lavazza, Sterling Computers-Amritraj pic, Win Win D
C Sivasankaran

4) Kobe Bryant, ManU song, TAV, Logo
Turkish Airlines

Round 5 (Three Clues)
1) (A) Native of Venice, moved to Paris, designed for Christian Dior. Extreme of fashion licensing from crockery, strollers to toilets.

Pierre Cardin

2) (A.) Established in 1939 by Late Mr. Vishva Nath
(B.) Grihshokla, Women’s Era, Saras Salil and Champak are its publications

Delhi Press

3) (A.) Mumbai based organization. Its cricket team included Gavaskar, Sandeep Patil, Karsan Ghavri. Tyre, cords, polyester yarn are some of its products.

Nirlon House
z Finals – Corporate

National Finals- Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011- External Track

For Semi Finals and Tata Track National Finals – click here

Tata Crucible National Finals 2011 Corporate – External Track

1) Pics…Verna Saappaat….Finska… whose early shoe products?

2) Visual..Barbie… what?

3) Furr Bishop Inc..applied for this ticker symbol…but was rejected. which ticker?

4) Gauls …390 bc… a word came out of the warning…geese. Which word?

5) What’s so special about this http://goo.gl/D2971

6) Whose symbol?http://goo.gl/zEj29

7) Royal Dutch mint…what innovation on the coin?

8) Entry fee buy this firm…gave rise to a term…


1) Nokia

2) To choose her next profession as Computer engineer

3) FBI

4) Money from Juno Moneta

5) Guiness Book of records for Capital Gate – ‘World’s Furthest Leaning Manmade Tower’

6) Kosher

7) QR codes

8) Nickleodeon- Nickle


1) Pic-Rose variety…dedicated to?

2) Govt of Malta… 1 kg silver coin..dedicated to the ‘1st thinker’

3) Slates, Jackie, Tanner…What?

4) Logo  http://www.telluridefoundation.org/ why in news?

5) Schweppes Commander… what was his name?

6) Miguel Caballero only makers of designer wear of  what?

7) CrawDaddy. Who are behind it?

8) Explain http://goo.gl/Ze5rA


1)  Kate Middleton

2) Mahatma Gnadhi

3) MGM Lions

4)  Rio Olympics 2016 logo controversy http://goo.gl/4gnWr

5) Commander Whitehead

6) Bullet Proof Vests

7) Cindy Crawford and Puff Daddy

8) Barbara Streisand Effect

Round 3

1) Raja Manmatha Nath Chowdhury…departmental store..Red and gold colour…

2) 1775…British Authority- Fort william… Kolkata…Pune..Ministry of defence. What?

3) Book ‘A D.Shroff (Titan of Finance and Free Enterprise) ‘ by whom?

4) Dhanbad…Board of Crisil… who?


1) Colours of East bengal Club

2) Ordnance Factory

3) Sucheta Dalal

4) Deven Sharma

Round 4

1) Pic- Coin…gave rise to what?


1) Sher Shah’s coin… term-

2) Pic- parveen Bobby- endorsing what?

3) Advaith foundation. Who is behind it?

4) Pic – Identify http://goo.gl/x6h5A


1) Ruppee/Rupaiah

2) Bombay Dyeing

3) S D Shibulal

4) Badri Seshadri of Cricinfo


Round 5 Connect/lateral

1) Suprabhatam song… a painting, Shawl pic, Chillies, Tea leaves

2) Viva, Blue Frog, Divas Rock, music

3) Airtel, Song Buddham Sharnam…

4) Devil Wears Prada, Vogue, Tamara Mellon pic


1) GI status ( Suprabhatam- Tirupati laddoos)

2) Taj Vivanta

3) India F1

4) Jimmy Choo

Audience qns

1) What are Moth parties?

Where people identify each other by Smell (perfume)

2) What is Viagratising

Where you put all your money ….

Last Round

1) Born 1968…IIT Kharagpur…Tata Steel

2) Born 1844… President of AIndian national Congress

President of  Indian Merchant Chambers. Who?

3) Assistant engineer…Bombay Govt service…Advocate of Private investment

Key member of TISCO-27 years ( resigned at the age of 93)

Mysore soap factory, Mysore Chambers Of Commerce


1) Arvind Kejriwal

2) Dinshaw Edulji Wacha

3) M Visveswarya


National Finals- Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011- Tata Track

National Finals Tata Crucible 2011- Tata Track

Winners: JK & Sreekanth

1) TBWA Egypt..came up with this idea… to spread the message of rebuilding Egypt..Which brand was behind the campaign?

 2) In 2000… permanent internet connection… founded by Dries Buytaert… Dutch word for ‘Drop’. Which website?

3) 2002…Anirudh Bulwaka…manufacturing facility, Gujarat…2005-Trucks, Dentors. Which company?

4) It is a world leader in sports collectibles…Cricketatax..which company?

5) An alumni of Yale University, USA, he has also to his credit designing of such striking logos as of the Indian Airlines, ECIL, Airports Authority of India, Trade Fair Authority of India (Now ITPO), Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) to name but a few. Who?

 6) In 2001, The Sun, a British tabloid newspaper reported that Queen Elizabeth II has this in her bathroom that wears an inflatable crown. It was spotted by a workman who was repainting her bathroom. The story prompted sales of it in the United Kingdom to increase by 80% for a short period.What?

7) Hindi Term… Economist… What?

8) What’s TAC in Motorola’s dynaTAC

1) Henkel Bril- To clean the city walls etc

2) Drupal

3) AMW

4) Topps…based on IPL…Cricketattax

5) Shri Binoy Sarkar

6) rubber duck

7) Jugaad

8) Total Area Coverage

 Round 2

1) Pic of Two guys…A term coined by them

2) What innovation by Pizza hut? http://goo.gl/LX7Xv

3) Who? http://goo.gl/4xDBU

4) Logo- MW

5) Pic Govinda restaurants

6) Pic Blue Box

7) Pic..Hitler, Bin laden, Zarqawi, Saddam & 2 founders

8) Graph- What is it? http://goo.gl/xdc2E


1) Business Process reengineering- Michael hammer, James Champy

2) Reverse count down timer on the box .. People behind thebike know how much time left for the delivery person to do his job

3) Gabriela Sabattini

4) Miss World


6) Tiffany’s

7) Time Magazine… only time when they have featured people with a “X” mark

8) Gartner Hype Cycle

Round 3- TATA

1) Logo… Powerfly- JV with capt Gopinath

2) Logo..offering from Taj- Jeeva Spa

3) Pic of a car- Tata Pixel

4) Riversdale- Tata sold the stakes to? Rio Tinto

 Round 4- Connect

1) Golden harvests, Divine Chants, Conversations, Amitabh Song

2) Pics- Stefi Graf, Gorbachev, James Bond Song

 3) DTC, Twist and Turns,  ‘for a special togetherness’

4) Astro, Amul, Song -Ek Do Teen (Madhuri)


1) Tanishq

2) LVMH (Sean Connery)

3) Gitanjali ( mehul Choksy’s Pic)

4) Food Show


1) BIL- Bhor Industries…1943 making Army … sold this to Pidilite

2) Book “Humankind’ by which ad agency’s  CEO?

3) Mocha & CCD- have a drink called Twister. Speciality?

4) TASIS on BSE- What?

5) Symonds Steven (??) invented this. What?


1) Steelgrip

2) Leo Burnett -Tom Bernardin

3) Colour of drink changes- AXE

4) Shariat compliaint

 5) Balance Sheet


Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 Chandigarh Prelims

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 Chandigarh Prelims

Quizzing.in has posted the prelims questions:

1. What brand was started in backyard of her house at ludhiana ,ice cream & confectionary

2. This bank was started in amritsar by majitha & 2 others

3. Which airlines started skycouches?

4. Logo of gujrat tourism

Tata Crucible Questions

5. Tour de france,31,Which watch?

For the rest, head to Quizzing.in


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Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 Delhi Prelims

Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 Delhi Prelims

The good folks at Quizzing.in has published the questions.  Some of them below:

1.Place in delhi got its name when the britishers decided to apply a system to separate british military building from others.

Ans.Civil lines

2.Aug 3.1960 which american exported a no. Of textile products through a small company ‘india loomcraft’ located in the shanker market area of new delhi.


3.For which airline once owned by shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, did coco chanel and pierre cardin design uniforms.

Ans.Olympic airlines

4.Identify the image

Ans: Charles Ponzi

5.Which indian entrepreneur who returned to india in 1977,teaches students at auroville in international affairs.

Ans.Dilip kapur -hidesign

For the rest of the questions, head to Quizzing.in.

Mumbai Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz- Tata Track


Mumbai Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz- Tata Track


1) 2nd largest air cooling company


2) Currency Khwanza- Which country?


3) Andrew Serwer, the managing editor of….


4) Stock index of Greece?


5) Phanindra Sama


6) Cotton….branded…Kerala city


7) 3 flagship hotels for commonwealth.. ITDC’s Ashok, Janpath and?


8) family holdings…


 Round 2

1) Financial times rejected..ad against Shell..

Amnesty Int’l

2) Logo

Google Ventures

3) Tata Power ‘Go green’ logo

4) Pic- Raghu Pillai

5) LVMH ad-Sean Connery

Round 3

1) Grow more, Kisan Sansar, Knowledge…

Tata Chemicals

2) Ezio, Liquiflow…


3) Pics…Ramakrishna Hegde…

Dy CM Planning commission

 4) Littledrops, Patapata


Round 4

1) One ruppee note..

Ministry of Finance

2) stock exchange of Hog Kong

Hang Seng

3) Mr Frog, Nick Leeson

Barings bank

4) WagonR- Recreation

5) Poultrona- D’decor

6) World’s 1st professional grade Tablet..playbook



Tata Crucible Corporate Quiz 2011 – Prelims & Finals Ahmedabad

1.  Which is the most visited paid monument in the world? Answer: Eifel tower
2.    There were originally 4 old “Zaibatsu” in Japan three of them are Mitsui,Yasuda and Mitsubishi which was the fourth one? Answer: Sumitomo (options were given)
3.    Now glossy most sought after weekly magazine was first published in Lahore in year 1882 by Arorbans press which magazine? Answer: Mayapuri (options were given)
4.    Who is she:
Answer: Dr, Amrita Patel of GCMMF
5.     Which city’s name appeared in Citibank’s name when it was founded in 1812? Answer: Newyork
For more, click here

Mumbai Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz-Finals

Mumbai Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz-Finals

Teams on stage: Deloitte, Deutsche bank, BPCL, Questa, Axis & IndusInd

1) Sahara Blend, Iran Heavy, BasraLight, Bonny Light, Arab light.. What are they?

2)  It is modelled on the Tennessee Valley Authority of the USA. Jawaharlal Nehru, prime minister of India, Dr. B.C.Roy, chief minister of West Bengal and Sri Krishna Sinha, chief minister of Bihar, took personal interest to ensure early success of the project…. Act of 1948…

3) Britannia question

4) Rustomji- Director General then.. “Duty onto death’

5) Born in Uganda, San Francisco residence, Bungalow..maple wood flooring…Lamborghini

6) The term originally came from concealing hip flasks..everyday wear…trouser

Ans1) OPEC basket

Ans2) Damodar valley corp

Ans3) Britannia

Ans4) Border Security force

Ans5) Chatur Ramalingam from 3 idiots

Ans6) Bootlegging

Round 2

1) Image: CHOAM- What’s the specialty?

2) Visual… Sugarpova

3) Old logo of BBC

4) Image:

5) Werner Von Siemens…concept..one of the earliest for something- what?

Ans1) World’s largest Fictional corporation

Ans2) Sugarpova..Maria Sharapova’s candy brand

Ans3) Old logo of BBC

Ans4) Peter Benenson-Amnesty

Ans5) 1st prototype of an Electric car

Round 3- Tata World

1) 80 year old book retailer is now using TCS’ iON offering to move to digital environment..


2) Heritage collection… Mangala, Stambha, Konark


3) Project Tejaswini- Tata Steel

4) Florida based..private planes.. with which Tata group is having discussions now.


Round 4- Connect

1) Highroad, S3 graphics, Couple dancing…. Telecom

Ans: HTC (Slasa)

2) VISA, Meril Lynch, Pic

Ans: Bank of America (founder Amadeo Giannini pic)

3) Hub, transformer theme song, Trivial pursuit

Ans: Hasbro

4) Accel, American farm bureau… theme music of ‘Social network’

Ans: Facebook

Round 5

1) Paris..  Madeleine Odette .. 1st woman economic affairs

Ans: Christine Lagarde

2) Wallace Flint…1932..punched card

Bernard Silver, Joseph woodland

Ans: Bar code

3) D Mehra co.

Satyajit Ray

Ans: Rupa Books

Mumbai Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz-Prelims


Mumbai Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Quiz-Prelims

Winner: Rajiv Rai & Team- Deutsche bank

Tata Track: Aniruddha and Team

 1) F W Stevens – World heritage…progress..engineering..science..Shipping and commerce

2) Torreal, Sholemay Ltd Trading… 3 brothers, London. 4 lettered brand

3) Sponsor of “Delivery Man Award’..MLB

4) Book ‘Grit, Guts and Gumption’ by Rajesh Chakraborty. About which PSU?

5) BOCTATOE- But Of Course There are Obvious Expectations…. Philostainment. Terms by whom?

6) Nike ‘SB’ …range for new Trend..for new area..indulgence/sport. Expand SB

7) Only Indian to feature in the eighties…BBC show… He is from the world of Tata

8) Visual- ‘Write Something’… Headquarter of which company?

9) ‘Digital Domain’… global filmmaker. Who?

10) Victorian Novel… Mr. Jarvis Lorry…a Clerk at Tellson’s bank in London. Which book?

11) Dec 31, 1970.. ‘Tonight Show;…Last cigarette commercial, which brand?

12) Bag with a ‘RF’ Logo

13) 1st book…series…Mysore based..Indian thought publication

14) Pumice, Chlorine.. Rifle Jeans

15) Locomotive- allegorical to Queen Elizabeth 1…Kitson Thompson & Hewitson for East India Railway

16) Book cover… “The ___________ way’

17) Type of wine…all the grapes froma specific year

 18) Hitchcock cameo… model for a newspaper ad.. 3 options given

Man who knew too much, Psycho, Lifeboat

 19) ‘The watch that made dollar famous” … Hint: Mahatma Gandhi

20) Pic – Pankaj Advani ‘Take the cue’

21)  More than 100 million missing…1990

22) Silver coin ..mint..estd there in 1612..during EDO period… name this upscale area

23) Famous place ..Int’l financial centre .. ‘Fragrant harbour’

24) Copyrighted ‘Seal Team 6’..which company?

25) 1984…RS Kamath… Icecream..fruits