Announcement: online infra-sector related quiz

Hi all
Samvit School Of Infrastructure Business, Pune (, along with TBQ-The Business Quiz ( is conducting an online business quiz series focussed on Infrastructure sector. The quiz is open for all- students, corporates and others. This is an individual event.
There will be 4 quizzes in this series, with prizes for every quiz and a prize for the overall winner.
Individual Quiz -Prizes worth
I: Rs.3000
II: Rs. 2000
III: Rs. 1000
Overall winners will be judged depending on the performance across the 4 events.
I: Rs. 5000
II: Rs. 3000
III: Rs. 2000
The first edition will go live at 9pm IST today(11th April 2011). Answers are to be mailed back in 24 hours to

The second, third and fourth quizzes will go live at 9pm IST on 14th,18th and 19th of April respectively.

Ob Q: In the autumn of 1942, on the demand of the then Commander-in-Chief of India, a special force,HQ-ed in Shillong was raised for road work in Assam, Imphal and Arakan in Burma. Name it.