The Brand Equity Quiz 2012 – Semi-Finals 1 & 2

The Brand Equity Quiz 2012 – Semi-Finals 1 & 2
Semi-Final 1
TCS Bangalore: Sreekanth & Pallavi
Edelweiss: Anil Kothuri & Chinmay
TCS Kolkata: Rabi Sankar Saha & Bhaskar Dutta
Savoir Faire: Rajiv D’ Silva & Harshvardhan Bhatkuly

1) David Ricardo described it as the difference between the produce obtained….
2) The shape of the Burj AL Arab structure is designed to mimic, what?
3) As per FBI, which is the most abused drug: Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroine?
4) Biswas brothers started this in Nadia District, Bengal. How do we know this uprising that occurred in the year 1859
5) Most visited art Musuem as per Ticket sales last year
6) First tabled in the Parliament by the then Finance Minister in 11951-52. What?
7) This is a company strategy, known as Four corner, propounded by whom?
8) Comic- Dalmation Dog named Dollar
9) Poster of a Movie

10) A sketch shown. Artist?
12) Jersey Pic, with Pirelli shown. Which football club?


1) Rent
2) the sail of a ship
3) Marijuana
4) Indigo uprisng
5) The Louvre
6) Economic Survey
7) Michael Porter
8) Richie Rich
9) Aviator
10) Leonardo Da Vinci
11) Beefeater
12) Inter-Milan

At this point, the scores were as under

TCS Bangalore 30
Edelweiss -10
TCS Kolkata 10
Savoir Faire 10
Samsung 0

13) Quote ‘ Love of _________ is the root of all evil’
14) Anything that bonds two things
Here Savoir Faire Buzzed and answered Adhesive. The complete qns was ‘Balwant Rai … name the brand’
15) Gossypium
And Sreekanth Buzzed and gave the correct answer.
For lesser mortals like us, the complete qn was
Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense, Gossypium arboreum Gossypium herbaceum are the four commercially grown species of?


13) Money
14) Fevicol
15) Cotton

At this point, the scores were as under
TCS Bangalore 40
Edelweiss 0
TCS Kolkata 10
Savoir Faire 0
Samsung 0

16) This Hindu Festival derives its name from 2 words. Wealth and number 13.
17) Revisiting the 4Ps, Kotler said that of the 4Ps, this P comes first. Which one?


16) Dhanteras
17) Product

At this point, the scores were as under
TCS Bangalore 40
TCS Kolkata 10
Savoir Faire 10
Samsung 0

Sreekanth and Team were through at this stage.

18) Kashmiri shawls came to Europe after this emperor presented one to his wife. Who?
19) Last year, this sign was seen in 83 movies, 25 TV shows…. Savoir Fare Buzzed and answered it correctly
20) It is a cut name…. round diamond… TCS Kolkata had to take the risk but got it wrong.

18) Napoleon Bonaparte
19) Hollywood Sign
20) Brilliant

Teams which made it to the Finals after the 1st Semi-final
TCS Bangalore & Savoir Faire

Semi- Final 2
Genpact: Rohan Khanna +1
TCS Mumbai Pravin Varma & Priyamvad
TCS Chennai: JK & DeviPrasad
Vizag Steel Hyd
Arvind Ltd

1) Ruler…Ganga- jamuna…
2) John Harvey accidentally left some boiled maize out and it went stale. He passed it through some rollers and baked it, creating the world’s first what?
3) 2012, docudrama produced for the National Geographic…
4) In 2010 Polaroid signed her to be the creative director
5) Food question: Button (and TCS Mumbai buzzed and gave the correct answer..phew!)
6) In the book ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’, the profession of the father is?
7) Nursery rhyme… a political satire.. in protest against the export tax imposed in Britain in 1275.
8) This Charles Dickens’ book featured a cricket match between Dingley Dell and All Muggleton. Name it
9) Airline shown with the logo

10) Identify

11) Fill in the blank

12) Identify

1) Harshvardhan
2) Cornflake
3) SEAL Team Six: The raid on Osama bin Laden
4) Lady Gaga
5) Mushroom
6) Lawyer
7) Baa, baa, black sheep
8) The Pickwick Papers
9) Malaysia airline
10) Dolce & Gabbana
11) Life
12) Mark Zuckerberg

At this point, the scores were as under

Genpact: 20
TCS Mumbai: 50
TCS Chennai: 10
Vizag Steel Hyd : -10
Arvind Ltd: 10

13) It derives its name from Shirvan- a town in NE Persia.
14) Bug, Kafer, Vocho, Fusca, Maggiolino
15) Remmy Award
16) Buxar Manila rope was in the news for?
17) World’s 1st Carbon billionaire
18) The concept of Costume jewelry was popularized by whom?
19) The word is derived from Latin for “a servant, vassal,”

13) Sherwani
14) Volkswagen Beetle
15) Recruitment and Marketing awards
16) Rope Used to hang Kasab
17) Al Gore
18) Coco Chanel
19) Ambassador

I think 19 qns were asked instead of 20.

Teams which made it to the Finals after the 2nd Semi-final

TCS Mumbai & TCS Chennai