Tata Crucible 2011 Bangalore Corporate-Prelims and Finals Questions

Tata Crucible 2011 Bangalore Corporate-Prelims and Finals Questions

External Track winner: Alagarsamy & Team

2nd-Prasad Shetty & Team



1)Yen-denominated bond issued in Japan by a foreign borrower

Samurai Bond
2) Quote which went like ” I want to create the directory of everyone….” –

Mark Zuckerberg
3) OWN is owned by

Oprah Winfrey
4) South Indian Bank logo
5) Started with a magazine by name Student-

Richard Branson
6) Wimbeldon balls were till recently made by –

7) This country will soon pass a law to have dark and scary packaging for cigarettes-

8) Logo of OLX.in
9) Nivea funda- history
10) Little Wings is a FF programme for kids from ____ airline–

11) Shekhar Kapur has started a venture with–

12) Very old logo of Hercules shows(It just had a hazy H)
13) Long description, keywords MCC, BCCI, ICC, Bangalore guy-

14) Penguin Club is the online forum by this consumer durables brand- Kelvinator
15) His (great)grandfather started IOB. Long description.
– P Chidambaram (Minister)
16) Blue Chip origin funda…Poker
17) Name of a pen brand, place in Egypt, casino in Las Vegas- Luxor
18) Quote by Warren Buffet
19) “Screw Yourself”- Scandinavian brand-

20) Pic of DK of DKNY
21) Description- Monopedal vehicle, gyroscopic ….- some fictional character funda-

22) Origin of the term “buck”.. King of deer
23) ITC brands
24) Imagine (TV channel) is owned by-

Ted Turner

25) Book by Harsha Bhogle

Tata track finals

Audience: Testing within an org is Alpha Testing
1) Bovespa- Brazil
2) Mascot of 2011 is a BBC poll- Stumpy
3) Mughal Chief Revenue Officers were called- Diwan
4) Moby Dick- Starbucks
5) Tobin Tax
6) Kenwood history

Audience: Wheeler Book Store
Cord Blood Bank- Relicord

1) Morgan Witzel pic
2) Books by Anna Hazare
3) Census logo
4) Sivasailam pic- MD of Bangalore Metro
5) Fruit pic- Opium
6) Scribbling pad pic-brand name came up on this- Tanishq

1) Logos of Microsoft products
2) Jura and some other brands- UB Group products
3) RD, Cosmopolitan, Travel Plus- India Today
4) NYSE: F, Lincoln- Ford

One statement wrong of 3

1) [ Missed this one]
2) Kannada Prabha owner- wrong name given
3) Trident owner- wrong name given
4) Oxyrich- wrong owner name givem

1) Quality is free- Phil Crosby
2) Lead Certification- related to carbon credits of buildins
3) Lux model, CM- Jayalalitha

External Track

1) Largest single buyer of ghee from KMMF- Tirupati
2) Vasudeva, son of Nageshwara, started in 1994- Adiga’s
3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caran_d’Ache
4) http://www.nandos.com.au/story.php
5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mall_of_America#History
6) Paris Hilton Problem- search traffic for a business going to a person

1) Nadathur logo (Raghavan)
2) CVC logo
3) R Pants- M&S owns
4) 958 drink owned by Usain Bolt
5) OPEC logo
6) Only the brave perfumes- bottle shaped like a fist-whose? Diesel

Aud: DIRFT full form – Do it right the first time
Heroin funda
Kindergarten funda- if the founder had trademarked he would have made a lot of money

1) Description of TCS’s iOn given
2) Nuon( or some such) is a retail brand from – Westside [Not sure of the brand name]
3) Caratmeter of Tanishq
4) Deepika Kumari of Tata- why in news- sports

1) Bank of Rajasthan, MN Vaghul, Big B song, Fairfax- ICICI
2) Belle, Epoc, Nokia tune, Anna Kournikova- Symbian versions
3) Allen Lane, Nilekani Speech, UID , some text- Nilekani
4) Trishul logo, founders’ pic, Whistle podu- Indian Cements

1) UP born(bio), wordsmith.org founder- Anu Garg
2) CII related…..some help done for people with disablities, pic shown- Xerxes Desai of Titan
3) The man behind http://www.duidoku.com/ – Kaushik Basu


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